The PDF now we all know is the format of documents is the most popular on the Internet. Since its inception, the Portable Document Format has rapidly replaced all other formats for the main reason it wants hardly changed (unless you have a paid version of Adobe Acrobat Professional), cause very dear to all those who want to put online forms, contracts etc. .. without allowing the end user to just edit them.
To create a PDF from zero then there are two solutions, the first payment we have already mentioned is to purchase a license of Acrobat 9 Pro and maybe a little expensive exploited by those who need occasional use, and the other is free to write a document in a common format through programs such as Microsoft Office or other text editor and then convert that into a phase called "pre-release" ...
Use this method is fast and intuitive thanks to special programs that are installed as the driver of an ordinary printer, but print to file instead of paper. For all of our users is one of the best programs doPDF, available for free download here download of TuttoNotebook.
However, there is a free suite of office programs, call Open OfficeThat the latest versions directly implements the function to convert documents to PDF.
For those who already have or if you would download the most viable alternative to Microsoft Office will need to write or open the document to convert, enter the menu "File" and select "Export as PDF" to leave unchanged the parameters, click below on "Export", then choose a name for the file and save, the file is made voila!
For some time many of the most "cunning" are asking whether there is a free method to create and modify existing PDF without buying the version of Acrobat 9 Pro Well, the answer is yes, and there is always an optional feature of the Open Office which is constantly being improved (at the moment are some imperfections in the process of import that may alter slightly from the original document).
To install this feature in the suite called "Import PDF" is sufficient to go to the download page dell'estenzione Sun PDF Import, Point to our operating system and press the "Get It".
Start the download, save the file to your Desktop and go to open any application such as Open Office Writer, open the "Tools" menu and click on "Manage Extensions". Now it will be possible through the "Add" to seek the extension of previously saved on your desktop and install it, scroll down until the end of the license agreement and click "OK". Once installed, simply open the PDF Import "File" menu of applications Open Office document in pdf: this in turn will open for editing by the editor Draw.
As already mentioned the features of the extension is currently not 100% reliable but it is certainly one more tool that we can be very useful!
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