
Create, convert and edit PDF documents

The PDF now we all know is the format of documents is the most popular on the Internet. Since its inception, the Portable Document Format has rapidly replaced all other formats for the main reason it wants hardly changed (unless you have a paid version of Adobe Acrobat Professional), cause very dear to all those who want to put online forms, contracts etc. .. without allowing the end user to just edit them.
To create a PDF from zero then there are two solutions, the first payment we have already mentioned is to purchase a license of Acrobat 9 Pro and maybe a little expensive exploited by those who need occasional use, and the other is free to write a document in a common format through programs such as Microsoft Office or other text editor and then convert that into a phase called "pre-release" ...
Use this method is fast and intuitive thanks to special programs that are installed as the driver of an ordinary printer, but print to file instead of paper. For all of our users is one of the best programs doPDF, available for free download here download of TuttoNotebook.
However, there is a free suite of office programs, call Open OfficeThat the latest versions directly implements the function to convert documents to PDF.

For those who already have or if you would download the most viable alternative to Microsoft Office will need to write or open the document to convert, enter the menu "File" and select "Export as PDF" to leave unchanged the parameters, click below on "Export", then choose a name for the file and save, the file is made voila!
For some time many of the most "cunning" are asking whether there is a free method to create and modify existing PDF without buying the version of Acrobat 9 Pro Well, the answer is yes, and there is always an optional feature of the Open Office which is constantly being improved (at the moment are some imperfections in the process of import that may alter slightly from the original document).

To install this feature in the suite called "Import PDF" is sufficient to go to the download page dell'estenzione Sun PDF Import, Point to our operating system and press the "Get It".
Start the download, save the file to your Desktop and go to open any application such as Open Office Writer, open the "Tools" menu and click on "Manage Extensions". Now it will be possible through the "Add" to seek the extension of previously saved on your desktop and install it, scroll down until the end of the license agreement and click "OK". Once installed, simply open the PDF Import "File" menu of applications Open Office document in pdf: this in turn will open for editing by the editor Draw.
As already mentioned the features of the extension is currently not 100% reliable but it is certainly one more tool that we can be very useful!

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Who is the most popular on Facebook?

With the 100 + million users, groups, applications, fans, etc., etc., can not hurt to see who and what's on top of the popularity on Facebook. And we're going to give a 'closer look to see who is put in popularity quite well, and who no inovice :-) .
The results are quite amazing ...

The star number 1 on Facebook at the moment is the new President of the United Satit Barack Obama, with 6 million users of his fans. A real success, which continues unabated even after several months have passed now by the general election!
And if this result could be expected comuqnue, certainly no one imagined that there was second in the Coca-Cola, with more than 3 million fans, pressed close to dall'italianissima Nutella!
A wheel another product of the beautiful country, the Pizza. Made in Italy, at least in the culinary aspect, is always appreciated by all!
After this overview, we go deeper, looking at certain categories. Starting from sports. And here there are really some wonderful discoveries. Because if the ranking is led by Cristiano Ronaldo, where the first ranking is our national sport "romanaccio" Francesco Totti, in 18th place, even before we (No 13) Oronzo Cana, the legendary coach played by Lino Banfi.
And those who got the best performance last week is our Roberto Baggio.
And for the teams? Here are the top four places: Fenerbahce, Manchester United, Juventus and Liverpool.
Among politicians, the first Italian in the standings is Silvio Berlusconi, who stood at 16th place with 100,000 fans.
And we end with a look at applications.
The application Cause, we all know, is the most prevalent with nearly 24 million users who use it.
Followed, in order: Super Wall (application for sharing videos and pictures) Top Friends (for "reward" our best friends), We're Related (to build their family tree) and Movies (to share their impressions and opinions on the film).
Well, that's all. If there were any interesting news, do not delay to announce!
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Manage your RSS feeds with a single program

Feedreader is a small but very useful little program to read, manage, update and keep an eye on your RSS feed. The software interface is customizable, easy and convenient for groups to organize in all subscribed feeds, update them with one click ...
Lists of titles and descriptions are there ready to flow, and you can make simple searches in the feed or receive all subscribed feeds. FeedReader is minimized when you place beside all'orologino system is always available (and updated with a keyboard shortcut or a click).
You can set a definite time interval for each feed to update itself: once the operation finished, a popup with the title of the feed appears in the lower left corner on the desktop and offers all new content.
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Sumatra PDF, the PDF reader is simpler and lighter in the world

Are you tired of Adobe Reader, its slowness in opening documents and disarming of its endless security problems? Dream of a PDF file reader that does only one thing - to open PDF files - but do well? Turn our gaze towards Sumatra.
But no ... my eyes away from quell'atlante! Sumatra PDF is a software for Windows, more precisely, a great PDF reader that allows you to open all documents typical Adobe Reader without any problems although tiny (it weighs just over 1 MB) and available in a no-install version, which does not requires facilities to be used (it can also be delivered on any USB stick without problems).
Despite having a user interface and essential Spartan, Sumatra PDF is incredibly easy to use and is completely in Italian. Among its features, we emphasize the zoom (to enlarge or reduce page views), fast shipping documents (to switch between pages with a click), print, and search for words within the PDF.
The program plays an excellent character of the documents reproduced in it and, thanks to an option that you can enable or disable the settings panel, remembers the view mode to open each PDF.
In short, if you have special needs (eg digital signatures, annotations, editing content, etc.). And you are looking for a simple and efficient PDF reader, you can not prove that Sumatra PDF.
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Notebook Care Tips

After buying a laptop, it is essentially important to take good care of her. Good care and maintenance will improve HP Pavilion DV2000 battery life and keep your laptop in a good state to work longer.So, read the advice following to support and improve the life of your laptop battery:
1.Recharge batteries every day.
2.Try to keep the screen with lower settings.
3.Charge your Dell inspiron 1520 battery when you have access to electrical outlets.
4.Keep an eye on how much Vostro 1400 battery power is consumed and the remaining amount.
5.Clean your battery with a cotton swab or by rubbing alcohol on the Fujitsu fpcbp136. Walk away the debris.
Here are some other advice care of laptop that you can follow to improve the operation and maintenance of your overall computer:
1.Laptop should never be left unattended.
2.Do not attempt to disassemble or repair any part of your computer Cell.
3.Do not put any type of decoration computer Cell.
4.Always keep computer on the ground.
5.Shut your laptop before you move.
6.Do not work with a laptop that is powered.
7.Do not try to convert your case to computer phone in your bag office.
8.Never keep any kind of liquid especially soda or sugar syrups near your computer Cell.
9.Always keep the laptop from the base, not the LCD.
10.When you close your computer laptop, make sure there are no pen or pencil left on the keyboard. This can cause damage to the monitor.
11.Keep your computer Laptop at least 6-8 inches away from any electronic device such as television, music system or a refrigerator, as these appliances have magnetic fields that may damage the operation of your computers phones.
12.Don 't sit in a wheelchair with a computer Cell.
13.Follow all rules and guidelines mentioned in the user manual.
14.Clean your portable monitor with a soft damp cloth or sponge clean cellulose.
15.Use pressurized air to clean the keyboard.
16.Disconnect power adapter and all external devices before cleaning.
17.Close the billboard and make sure it is securely locked in the closed position to protect the keyboard and display panel.
18.Try not use the laptop in very hot especially when your computer laptop running on Sony vgp-bps10/B battery.


How to replace the battery on the iPAQ 3800 and 3900 Series

Before starting the installation, please ... - Be careful when handling and Apple ibook g4 battery. - Care of common sense in handling the battery as to not bend (ie, bending), away from metal, away from extreme heat, etc. - Make sure all the data into iPaq have been saved.

- Care of common sense in handling the Battery as not to bend (ie, bending), away from metal, away from extreme heat, etc.
- Make sure that all data were saved in iPaq.
- Read all instructions before your first attempt to replace the Dell XPS M170 battery. This will help you visualize the process before it even began.
1. Turn the power off, and make sure the reset button on the bottom of the unit is turned off to ensure the power is completely off.
2. Take pen from iPaq before continuing.
3. Using a Torx T6, get the four screws out of each corner. Make sure you do not lose the screws. Split the back cover of the main body by using your fingernail or other device such as a flat Phillips screwdriver. Make sure you

Do not scratch the surface when using a screwdriver.
4. Once the back cover is separated from the main body, open the back cover from the top. Do not leave everything the way that HP Pavilion DV2000 battery is attached to the motherboard via a flexible connector PCB. Note: A hard reset slide the door lock button and stylus are not attached to the body, and therefore, they can be loose as the back cover is removed. They are easy to rear, but it is wise to take note of their location and position.
5. As you remove the back cover carefully, you will see a connector between Compaq NX7010 battery and the main board. Carefully remove the connector Battery. Please note that the Battery is glued to the back cover, and can be removed after

Unplug the connector on the main board.
6. Once you have the old Battery removed, align the new Sony vgp-bps9 battery so that the edge of the Battery which is closest to the connector goes to the bottom (for example, the side is recorded on top).
7. Press firmly on the connector Battery. Make sure all corners are firmly inserted.
8. From the bottom, reinsert the backcover. Do not force the lid when closed. This means that the Apple A1022 battery is not properly installed on the back cover. Just realign the stack so it is secure.
9. Insert four screws back and turn the key to reset and power button, in that order, to ensure that the device operates normally.
10. You must fully charge the Battery, And let it charge for more than 30-60 minutes after the full load indicator is lit. This ensures that the Dell latitude d620 battery is fully


How "Fresh" are new brand Batteries ?

Buying a brand new battery? If so you may be tempted to ask about the age of the inventory of your battery to your Dell inspiron 1525 battery supplier of choice! For that matter does the battery age really matter? It's a good question.
Buying a new VGP-BPS9 battery brand? If so you may be tempted to ask about the age of the inventory of your battery supplier for batteries of choice! For that matter does the battery age really matter?
It's a good question. Think of your favorite restaurant? Would you eat if you knew that your choice of salad ingredients that had been 6 months? Probably not! But with batteries is there such a thing as an old Dell c1295 battery? The answer is yes!
You see how the batteries have a sense consumable life of a battery will last some time before it is unusable. Declining capacity is a natural process of using the battery only when the ability to lower the battery starts to degrade to the point of non-operability. Technically capacity down is when the amount of charge a Thinkpad x61 tablet battery can hold gradually decreases due to usage, aging, and with some chemistry, lack of maintenance. batteries PDA, for example, is set to offer a capacity of about 100 percent when the news, but after usage and aging and the lack of packaging capacity of the battery of the PDA will drop.
This is normal. If you use a battery of PDA (or lithium-ion or lithium-polymer battery) when the battery capacity reaches 60% to 70% of the PDA battery must be replaced. Standard industry practices will be guaranteed a battery of over 80%. Below 80% usually means that you have used the practical life of a Apple ibook g4 battery. Thus, the threshold by which a cell can be returned under warranty is typically 80%.
But when I talk about the life of a battery of which I spoke in any of a battery that is new. Let me be very clear and define what a new battery and is not! A new battery is not: a Apple macbook pro battery that was charged, connected to a device, been opened or chemically activated in any way. Now, be very careful with any event where you could have a battery can still be considered new, even after he was charged, connected to a device, been opened or chemically activated in any way. Why?
Inside the battery itself, is a chemical reaction that produces electrons. The chemical reaction is designed for one purpose: to create a flow of electrons (electricity), whereby the device is powered. The electron flow is measured (or moves at speeds) in amperes, where 1 ampere is the flow of 62,000,000,000,000,000,000 electrons per second! Therefore, once the chemical is activated and the flow of electrons takes place, even for a second then the power loss and degradation of the Compaq presario cq50 battery begins and there is no stopping it. Once battery degradation begins a battery is considered used and its natural life span will be exhausted in a matter of time.
Now, a new battery (a battery that has never been charged, connected to a device, been opened or chemically active in any way may have a lifespan up to 36 months (under certain conditions). My personal preference is to never buy a new Dell latitude d430 battery that has been sitting on the shelf over 18 months. But then again it's just a personal preference. batteries that are left in extreme temperatures will not last as long and may deteriorate in a few weeks or less if the weather is really extreme brand batteries. news that are less than 12 months are your best choice because they represent the type of charges the battery.